Sunday, April 11

Here's this week's activity log:

MON - nada. Not sure why not.

TUE - 4 mile run. 3 sets of 15 push-ups.

WED - nada. Late night working on taxes.

THU - 4 mile run in the morning. 2 hour ride Thursday night up the frontage road that parallels the 580 freeway up the Dublin grade, down to the Palomares exit, back up the frontage road and down the hill. I had a really gusty 25 - 35 mph headwind coming up the hill which made life a little more painful.

FRI - Went swimming with Catherine at the Aquatic Center. Did a benchmark 1/2 mile swim. Did it in 17:30. The funniest thing is that my freestyle stroke is so bad I ended up swimming the whole thing with an alternating breast and side stroke. At least I know if I can get my freestyle down before the race, I can always just get by with my slow strokes. 3 sets of 15 push-ups.

SAT - 2:30 min training ride. Did two loops up the frontage road again. This course is very similar to what I'll be riding in the triathlon - a few decent hills, some false flats, and a bit of flat. I felt great on the ride and my legs are finally getting more used to being on the bike.


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