Sunday, August 29

MON - Did another "mini" personal triathlon to work on my transition skills. 1000 yd swim | 6 miles bike | 1.5 mile run - time 52 minutes - transitions averaged about 1 min 15.

TUE - simple stretching and strengthening exercises.

WED - Jog/walk 5 miles. Felt decent, but my leg started to give out a bit around mile 4 and I walked the last mile. I'm concerned that my IT Band isn't really better and my running is going to suffer.

THU - 1650 yd swim (=.93 miles, my race distance) in my best time yet - right around 35 minutes. With more swim drills, open water, some drafting, and a wetsuit, maybe I will make my 30 minute race goal.

FRI - rest

SAT - 31 mile ride. Rode with some friends down to Sunol and over Calaveras to Milpitas. It took a while, though, because the temperature was 100 - 105 degrees and one of the guys went out too hard (and ate a Dove bar in the middle of the ride - wierd) and had some major heat exhaustion problems. We didn't think he was going to make it and I poured a lot of cold water from my hydration pack over his head. After some long breaks in the shade he managed to drag himself over the last few small hills and make it back.

Sunday, August 22

Here's last week's training:

MON - 15 mile "time trial" ride. Just trying to go full out for 45 minutes or so.

TUE - 1200 yard swim. Can't remember my time.

WED - Ran 3 miles. Took around 30 minutes and felt okay. I just don't have the stamina yet for a faster or longer run.

THU - After work ride up Mt Diablo, the 2nd tallest peak in bay area. I went alone and this was my first time up. I was about a mile from the peak, but it started to get dark. Here's a description of the ride from the Chain Reaction site.

FRI - rest

SAT - Did a personal sprint distance triathlon to see how I'm feeling and to work on my transitions. Total time was 1:25:21.
- 1000 yd swim (20:25)
- T1 (3:12) I had to put on a jersey and had some problems with bike computer
- 10 mile ride (28:10 approx - bike computer issues)
- T2 (2:37) Ran inside to get my hat and a Cliff bar
- 5k run (30:54)

Felt good the whole time and no residual soreness in my leg.

Sunday, August 8

Had great ride this Saturday to the top of Mount Hamilton - the tallest peak in the bay area. I hadn't done this ride for a few years and I wanted to see how my conditioning this year compared to my first time.

Well... it felt a lot better this year. I started out the day not feeling 100% but decided to just keep going as the climbing began and turn around when I felt like I was done for the day. By the end of the ride I still felt great and made it to the top easily.

Here's a picture from the top from a few years ago:

Total mileage was right around 60 miles with 4500 ft of total climbing. Nice. Here's a description of the ride from Chain Reaction bicycle shop.