Monday, July 19

So what has my training been like? Here's what a typical week looks like (I'll start listing my weekly training starting this week):

MON - 1500 yards swimming (.85 miles) I swim this is around 30 minutes. I'm still swimming most of the distance using breast and side stroke (left and right side). My crawl is so bad still that I get winded just swimming 100 yards straight. It is getting better however (less leg kick and more efficient grab with my arms) that I'm hopeful that my times will speed up and I'll use more crawl in my race.

TUE - 20 mile "time trial" bike ride. I've been averaging right around 20 mph on these rides (you do the math for the distance). I've use the streets around the neighborhood as a time trial course. This will be similar to the course in my race because it's pretty flat and there are a lot of turns and u-turns.

WED - 3 mile run. (10 minute miles/2 min run 1 min walk) I still am working up to a full run after going through the therapy on my IT band. Run is definitely my weakest area now and I'm concerned about going too hard and hurting my leg.

THU - another swim day or shorter ride.

FRI - Depending how my leg feels, I'll run again.

SAT - Long bike ride. I've been doing 30 - 60 mile rides, just depending on how I feel and what my bike partners are up to. These are slower rides to just build up base endurance and comfort in the saddle for 2 - 4 hours.

That's a typical week!


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