Friday, December 3

Haven't updated for a while...

My apologies to all those who actually read my blog. Let me catch you up a bit...

I finished the Bethel Island Triathlon in 2 hours 53 minutes - my first olympic distance triathlon. Here's a nice photo of me going across the finish line:

After finishing the race, I was treated to a "lovely" full body massage (man that woman found every knotted muscle I have - it hurt worse than the triathlon!) and an excellent porterhouse steak for my 40th birthday. The day was wonderful.

Joni and I then travelled to Austin and I rode in the Lance Armstrong Foundation Ride for the Roses. I did the 100 mile ride and it was hot, humid, and windy. Which I guess is better than the cold, rainy, and windy weather they had last year.

Here's a shot of me crossing the finish line and posing at the end:

If you notice, I have just my sock on one foot. I wore my triathlon shoes and was moving my feet in and out of my shoes near the end of the ride in order to avoid hot spots (I have really high arches). At the finish line my legs were pretty tired and I couldn't quite get my one foot back in to my shoe.


At 11:43 PM, Blogger Robert Gourley said...

Great job, you'll always remember your first (olympic triathlon, that is). Good luck with the next one. We'd love to you you as a member over at our Triathlon training site.


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