Friday, November 3

Dave Starts Training Again!

After a long layoff, I've started training for my next Olympic distance triathlon - The Spudman!!

Okay, I'm serious. There really is an event called The Spudman and it's held in Burley, Idaho on July 28, 2007.

I've been running now for a few months to try to get myself back in shape. I recently ran the Barber to Boise 10k. I recently relocated from the SF Bay Area to the Boise area. That explains all of these Idaho events, doesn't it? My 10k times are still really slow, but I ran it in 57 minutes which was what I was shooting for - under an hour.

I've been running 5 - 7 miles three times a week interspersed with time on the bike 2 - 3 times a week. It's been down to 16 degrees this week so I'll be switching to the trainer very soon. I'll be training this year with a new coach - Jim Crouch at Next Step Cycling.

I'll be posting my workouts, progress, events, and my experiments with new technology right here. I recently started using a RS200 Polar HRM and a Nike+ Plus iPod Sport Kit and have been really happy with both. I'll be posting reviews on both in the next week or so.

Until then...