Monday, October 27

Here's last week's activity log:

MON - 55 minute walk/jog (4 min walk/2 min jog). Volleyball - we won all three matches!

TUE - 35 minute weight lifting

WED - 55 minute walk/jog (4 min walk/2 min jog)

THU - 40 minute bike ride (see benchmark below)

FRI - 55 minute walk/jog (4 min walk/2 min jog)

SAT/SUN - rested my legs...

Friday, October 24

Just wanted to post my first benchmarks:

15k bike ride (fairly flat course, little wind)

5k practice run (still 4 min walk / 2 minute run)

These were timed on consecutive days, not back-to-back like they'd be run in a sprint triathlon.

The sprint distance triathlon is a .75k swim, 15k bike, 5k run. I'm shooting for a time between an hour and hour-fifteen minutes. We'll see what happens with my training times as I get closer to the event (Apr - Jun '04 timeframe).

My current plan is to run a 5k race around New Years, a 10k Feb/March, a sprint triathlon May/June, and an Olympic triathlon late summer.

First things first...

Sunday, October 19

[Just back from my ride up Calaveras]

Here's a summary of the week's activities:

- 55 min jog/walk on Monday

- 40 min weightlifting on Tuesday. I hadn't lifted for almost a month and was bit sore, but not too sore.

- 55 min jog/walk on Wednesday.

- Skipped Thursday bike ride. Was up a bit late on Wed and trying to let my legs rest a bit.

- 55 min jog/walk on Friday. Felt really good and started extending my jogging times a bit.

- 2 hr 15 min bike ride (38.8 miles) up Calaveras Road and back. This was my first longer ride for over a month and my legs weren't all there, but not too bad.

Tuesday, October 14

Well, I got sick and that put a damper on my training for the last part of September. It was one of those sore throat/cold things that has knocked out a lot of people I know. One of them is out of work right now with bronchitis, so I guess I was lucky.


I've been back on my training plan since last week and am feeling great!

Here's my schedule:

55 minute jog/walk (4 minute walk - 2 minute jog)

Weight lifting & stretching

55 minute jog/walk (4 minute walk - 2 minute jog)

45 minute bike ride (15 - 17 mile ride)

55 minute jog/walk (4 minute walk - 2 minute jog)

2 - 3 hour bike ride (30+ miles)

The day of rest (I'll need it)

I'm sticking with the 4 minute walk - 2 minute run until I start to get more comfortable running. Slow and steady...

Plus I have my short 3 mile bike ride back and forth to work every day, but that doesn't really count for much except to loosen up my legs a bit.