Tuesday, December 23

I've signed up for my first triathlon - it's the Napa Valley Triathlon (The Grape Escape).

More info on the triathlon at envirosports.com

It's a little longer than a sprint distance. It's a half mile swim, 17 mile ride, 4 mile run. Hmmm... more challenging, but do-able, I think.

The event is out by Lake Berryessa. The good news is that it will be a lake rather than an ocean swim the first time around.

Here's the story of a PeopleSoft friend of mine that I ride with occasionally. Ugly ocean swim...

Florida Ironman 2003 (From Mark Tisdel):

1st, I again want to thank everyone for the donations. This year, with your donations, i raised a little over $3400 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society...putting the 3 year total at nearly $13500. Thanks again!

Well, the best plans of mice and men and those trying to be Ironmen often go astray! I had hoped to do the race in under 13 hours...figuring the Florida sun would be cool in November...low humidity. Oh well!

Race day was very warm. Temp got above 85 with 80%+ humidity. The 2.4M swim was great...for the 1st lap. I managed to dodge the stingrays and the jellyfish...2nd lap was when the waves came...about 2-3 foot swells...made it interesting. But broken hand and all (that is another story...darn Cubs!)...I got out in about 1 hour 28 minutes. Pretty happy with that considering (considering i am not a good swimmer!).

First 20 miles of ride was windy but right on the ocean. Very nice beaches. 1st 56 miles in 3 hours, 3 minutes...right on pace. Then I made the classic error. Note to self...never get off bike in FLA swamp to use rest room. Mud clogs cleats :<<< . 10 minutes of scraping led to 10 miles of riding with one cleat in, one cleat out. Then another 15 to finally clean out. But still, doing OK...

then on mile 80...bang...hamstrings BOTH lock at the same time...girl goes by yelling "work it out"...I am thinking how do I move (or should I stop at the house up the road and have Mr. Deliverance put me out of my misery!). Finally able to crawl to side of road and stretch for a while.

But that was pretty much the end...pedeled home pretty easy...bike time 6 hours, 56 minutes...

Went to the massage tent...great massage for 10 minutes...THEN they said "OK, you still have 26.2 miles to go!". I ran about .1 and then knew I had to walk the rest. Well, it was a nice night for a nearly 7 hour walk!

Overall, a great day and a great adventure ended in 15 hours, 53 minutes. Yep, a long day, but well worth it.

And as the saying goes..."wait 'til next year"! Thanks again for the support!


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