Tuesday, November 25

Here's last week's activity log:

Volleyball was horrible this week. We stunk it up and people were getting upset with each other and the other team. BTW, we won the first game but lost the last two. The other team was decent, but we should be better. Looks like we'll end up in second place going into the playoffs.

I finally moved to a positive jog/walk ratio (3 min jog/2 min walk). Feels great. Joni says I should really be running 4 / 2 or 5 / 2, but I'm just taking it easy.

MON - 55 minute walk/jog (3 min jog/2 min walk)

TUE - 35 min lifting weights. Not making a lot of progress increasing reps/weight, but I am working on my form.

WED - 55 minute walk/jog (3 min jog/2 min walk)

THU - 45 min bike ride (13 or 14 miles, I think)

FRI - nada

SAT - - 55 minute walk/jog (3 min jog/2 min walk) ran with Joni and it was fun! She was running regularly last year, but has been mostly doing aerobics, yoga, and spinning classes this year.

Monday, November 17

Here's last week's activity log:

This was a good solid week. I'm not making it out on the bike much because of the rain, but my running's feeling better all the time.

MON - 55 minute walk/jog (2 30 walk/2 30 jog). Volleyball - we played decent and won 2 out of 3. Looks like we'll end up in 2nd place and will go to the playoffs.

TUE - 35 minute weight lifting

WED - 55 minute walk/jog (2 30 walk/2 30 jog)

THU - nada

FRI - 55 minute walk/jog (2 30 walk/2 30 jog)

SAT/SUN - went to San Francisco and bought a car. "Forgive me father, for I have sinned..."

Monday, November 10

This week's activity log:

Upped my running time to 2 min 30 sec walk/2 min 30 sec jog. Got a cold again this weekend, had a lot of early meetings and didn't end up having a great exercise week.

MON - Nada. Still felt crummy from cold. Played v-ball, we won 2 of 3 matches.

TUE - Nada. Crummy.

WED - Our team at work had a meeting at a place called City Beach in Fremont where I played volleyball and basketball for 3 or 4 hours. Fun! I played some 2 on 2 basketball and didn't feel like I was sucking wind, so I guess that's good.

I also got picked to wear one of those huge sumo wrestling outfits and "wrestle" another guy on my team. I might post pics of me "winning" in the future. Here's what the suits look like:

THU - Can't remember. I don't think I did anything.

FRI - 55 minute walk/jog (2 30/2 30 min jog).

Monday, November 3

This week's activity log:

Upgraded my running this week to a bruising 3 minute walk/2 minute jog pace. :>

MON - 55 minute walk/jog (3 min walk/2 min jog). Volleyball - we won all three matches, AGAIN!

TUE - 35 minute weight lifting

WED - 55 minute walk/jog (3 min walk/2 min jog)

THU - nothing today

FRI - 55 minute walk/jog in the rain (3 min walk/2 min jog)

SAT/SUN - ran errands instead of exercising - Bad Dave!