Sunday, April 25

Here's this week's activity log:

Trying to take it easy this week. I plan on going with Song out to Lake Berryessa to do a test race out on the course.

MON - 4 mile run.

TUE - nada

WED - 4 mile run.

THU - nada

FRI - nada

SAT - Drove out to Lake Berryessa with Song to try out the ride and run part of the race. It was a pretty hot Saturday and we didn't get out on the ride until noon.


I stunk.


We started the ride and I pushed hard on the first hill or two and quickly ran out of gas. I have no idea why. Just did not "have it." I then had a screw come off my front derailleur as I was shifting down to my inside chain ring and my chain jammed completely.


For the rest of the ride I could only use my smaller chain ring and my larger gears in my rear cluster. In other words, no using my granny gears on the climbs and no using my big ring on the descents - the worst of both worlds.

Once we finished the ride, I didn't feel like running at all. But, I put my shoes on and started off... walking. A lot of walking. Not much running. No gas.

Here were my times:

Ride (17 miles) - 53 minutes
Run (4 miles) - 51 minutes

Well, at least that sets an easy benchmark to beat on race day!

Sunday, April 18

Here's this week's activity log:

MON - Wanted to see how I'd feel running hills. Did a 4 mile run on hilly Foothill Ave and felt great. I did it right around my normal time (38 - 40 minutes) and felt good. 50 push-ups.

TUE - Sat around on Carmel beach all day - very tiring!

WED - Did my normal 4 mile flat run. My knees were a little sore. I think I won't do a lot of hill training before my run. I can do the hills without a problem - just don't want to wear out my knees before the race. 45 push-ups.

THU - nada

FRI - nada. Stayed up late this week doing taxes. Still recovering.

SAT - Didn't feel great today, but ended up training anyway. Went for a 4 mile run that took more effort than normal. Then went on a quick 20 mile ride. It was pretty windy, but didn't have a headwind most of the time.

Rode down to Sunol and back. Averaged just over 19 mph. Felt better than running.

Sunday, April 11

Here's this week's activity log:

MON - nada. Not sure why not.

TUE - 4 mile run. 3 sets of 15 push-ups.

WED - nada. Late night working on taxes.

THU - 4 mile run in the morning. 2 hour ride Thursday night up the frontage road that parallels the 580 freeway up the Dublin grade, down to the Palomares exit, back up the frontage road and down the hill. I had a really gusty 25 - 35 mph headwind coming up the hill which made life a little more painful.

FRI - Went swimming with Catherine at the Aquatic Center. Did a benchmark 1/2 mile swim. Did it in 17:30. The funniest thing is that my freestyle stroke is so bad I ended up swimming the whole thing with an alternating breast and side stroke. At least I know if I can get my freestyle down before the race, I can always just get by with my slow strokes. 3 sets of 15 push-ups.

SAT - 2:30 min training ride. Did two loops up the frontage road again. This course is very similar to what I'll be riding in the triathlon - a few decent hills, some false flats, and a bit of flat. I felt great on the ride and my legs are finally getting more used to being on the bike.

Sunday, April 4

Here's this week's activity log:

MON - 4 mile run. 3 sets of 15 push-ups.

TUE - nada

WED - Went swimming with Catherine at the Aquatic Center. My breathing and stroke still stink.

THU - 4 mile run. 3 sets of 15 push-ups.

FRI - 3 sets of 15 push-ups.

SAT - 2 hour ride. About 35 miles. Went out on Calaveras Rd. for some medium climbing. Felt good, except that I'm still getting some cramping in my shoulders an hour or so into the ride. I'm not sure if my push-ups are making my shoulders tired or what. I'm drinking enough, so I don't think it's a hydration issue.

I ran into a big Team in Training group with quite a few beginners. It shouldn't feel good to pass people on climbs, but I've always been passed so much it feels good to pass a few people every once in a while.